This is Awesome, Unfair

2020 update: the game version of the XKCD Tetris Hell comic no longer works. I mean, maybe it does? On some hypothetical browser that still supports Flash? But here’s the comic:

The champion who made a game out of the XCD Hell comic accomplished the following things:

1) Identify one of the best XKCD comics ever (impressive – there are lots)

2) Turn the imaginary game it talks about into an actual game

I will admit that I spent upwards of ninety seconds playing this game.  The nerd in me wants to believe that even in bouncy physics, YOU CAN WIN THIS!!!  Like, if this game had some rudimentary Pong-physics, you could rebound a piece off the wall, and based on extrapolation of the fake game-pieces’ physical properties and resultant vector through the game-ether, you could determine how the rebound would cause each piece to…. (Note to self:  You cannot win this.)

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