Make Your Own Gl1tch Art

You know that really cool thing that the Internet does where, out of nowhere, you find something that you didn’t previously know existed, and you now become absolutely insane about?  Yeah, that thing.  It just happened to me, again, and it is making your own glitch art.

Glitch art is the process of taking an existing image and modifying the code used to render the image to make it… different.

Take one of my favorite recent art installations, Florjentijn Hofman’s giant rubber duck that floated into Hong Kong harbor.  It is rad-looking.


But what if you could modify it to make it even cooler?  You can!  German designer Georg Fischer (aka snorpey) is a glitch artist who has done a wonderful service to me personally by making a do-it-yourself glitch art creator. You just take an image, and then play with it until it is messed up in the exact way that you find aesthetically pleasing:

Ducky - glitch1

Ducky - glitch2

Ducky - glitch 3

Hooray, Internet!!!  Kiss an hour of your day goodbye!!  You’re welcome!!

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